An easier way to find the study help you need for your teen
Find the information you need for your teen in one quick click.
Hi there,
As you have probably (hopefully) gathered, my mission is to help your teen get the study skills they need to do better at high school.
Unlike other ‘services’, and in the nicest way possible, I don’t want you to be a subscriber for years!
I want you to get the information you need, pass it on to your teen, and hopefully they will go on to kick their study goals and outgrow my service!
To make sure you’re getting the information you need to help your teen as easily as possible, I have put together a number of compilation pages where you can find all of my articles about various study topics from the one page:
You can click on any of the bullet points above, or you can find these pages anytime from my Substack homepage:
This came about because I was pondering the blog and how best to commuicate everything I know, and it occurred to me that while the Substack newsletter function is great for writing frequently and easily, my posts are different to real writers and journalists — I’m not writing about current events or condensing new information each week — I am simply writing down everything I know about studying.
And with over 40 articles in my Archive, there is already an absolute tonne of information about all aspects of studying for your teen sitting right there.
If you and your teen read through every single one of them, you would have an extremely good base of knowledge upon which to help your teen build their own Study System.
Having a wander through the Archive is still a good idea though, as there are various posts that don’t necessarily fit into one of these categories but still cover important information. Like this one:
The Substack search function is good too — just plug in a key term (e.g. “motivation”) and all posts including that term will come up.
As I said above, my mission is to help your teen get the study skills they need, and I hope these compilation pages will make that easier.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email me ( any time. Paying subscribers can also jump into the comments sections. If I haven’t covered a topic your teen needs help with, I wanna know.
Thanks so much for reading, it’s great to have you here.