Hi there,
With essay writing being such an integral part of high school and a very prominent element of high school exams, this page is here to make accessing all of my articles on essay writing super duper easy.
Looking forward to seeing you in the comments.
Essay Writing Master Class: How to structure high school essays
A very deep dive into essay structure.
5 Must-Dos For Outstanding Essay Writing
Even for a struggling teen, well-structured, clear and easy to read essays are only five steps away.
Essay Plans: Perfect essay structure every time
Essay Plans make the rest of the essay writing process easy.
How a scientific approach to essay writing will help your teen write A-grade essays
A clear and simple plan for structured, logical and persuasive essays.
How to write essays the examiner will love reading
What makes an examiner go "wow this kid deserves an A"?
3 simple rules to massively improve your teen’s writing skills
Getting your teen's writing skills on track can start simply and easily.
Why simple essays are the best essays
Your teen does not need to be Shakespeare to write good essays.