Introducing... the Exam Study Survival Kit
The study toolkit for learning how to study for high school exams and getting the grades your teen is truly capable of.
I started Cram Lab (and its predecessor over 10 years ago, The Study Gurus) because…
I didn’t want any teen to miss out on the grades they were capable of simply because they didn’t know how to study.
It was so glaringly obvious to me — I was lucky and just kind of naturally ‘got’ how to study, but others, not so lucky…
Sure, school is not everyone’s forte, and going to uni isn’t for everyone, but what about that teen who does want to get better grades, who does want to do well, but is struggling to get any traction at school because they don’t have the study tools they need??
Those are the teens that keep me up at night.
Well, over the past six + months I have been distilling my entire exam study process into 3 simple steps, so that any teen who doesn’t know how to study for exams can follow my top-grade-achieving exam-study process, and learn how to study in a way that is effective for them.
The result is the Exam Study Survival Kit.
It’s an online course made up of 8 teen-friendly easy-to-follow lessons covering the entire exam study process in 3 simple steps:
Part 1 - Getting Started (finding motivation and getting organised)
Part 2 - Getting Stuck-In (how to make amazing study notes and get the most out of past exams)
Part 3 - Final Preparations (all of the things to do (and avoid doing) in the last week before an exam)
For more details about what’s inside and what exactly your teen can learn in the ESSK, head over to

My Promise
Now, I have zero interest in writing smarmy sales copy. Not my jam.
So instead, I’m just going to say it straight.
I have poured my heart and soul into the Exam Study Survival Kit, and if your teen is struggling to get the grades you know they’re capable of, I genuinely believe that the ESSK could be the answer to their study woes.
And not only will your teen be able to learn my entire exam study process, you will both have access to my study brain 24/7.
If your teen ever gets stuck, confused, has a question, wants to chat through a study issue, all they have to do is send me a message and we’ll sort it out together.
The last thing I want is for you to purchase the ESSK for your teen, only for it to gather digital dust because they don’t know what to do next.
Think of me as your teen’s study helpdesk, available 24/7 :)
If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s my li’l promo video.
If you have any questions about the ESSK, just sing out :)
Thank you for your subscription, it really means a lot.
P.S. For fellow Kiwis, with NCEA starting this week I know stress levels and anxiety will be high. I hope your teen is going okay. Just sing out if I can help.
P.P.S. My social media pages need some love — you and your teen can follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Your teen may as well soak up some study wisdom while they’re scrolling!